Sur la d\'ecomposabilit\'e empirique des indicateurs de pauvret\'e....
We study the empirical decomposition of poverty indicators. This property is very important and convenient in the context of the fight against poverty. Indeed, it makes it possible to put in place...
View ArticleThe Influence of Collaboration in Procurement Relationships....
Supply Chain Management often requires independent organizations to work together to achieve shared objectives. This collaboration is necessary when coordinated actions benefit the group more than the...
View ArticleEconomic information from Smart Meter: Nexus Between Demand Profile and...
In this paper, we demonstrate that a consumer's marginal system impact is only determined by their demand profile rather than their demand level. Demand profile clustering is identical to cluster...
View ArticleMovie Trailer: Banking on Bitcoin
Bitcoin is the most disruptive invention since the Internet, and now an ideological battle is underway between fringe utopists and mainstream capitalism. The film shows the players who are defining how...
View ArticleWhy Persuading People with Facts Doesn't Work At Times
The British Psychological Society's Research Digest reports on a new study by Gregory Trevors and his colleagues. Â They examined why we fail at times to persuade people with factual evidence. Â Why...
View ArticleNarrative and Numbers: How a number cruncher learned to tell stories!
When I taught my first valuation class in 1986 at New York University, I taught it with numbers, with barely a mention of stories. It was only with the passage of time that I realized that my...
View ArticleNAG Numerical Library - Data Solutions - Marketplace.MoneyScience
Marketplace: NAG Numerical Library - 100s of algorithms which are powerful, reliable, flexible and ready for use. — Financial…
View ArticleThe Quest for Parsimony in Behavioral Economics: New Methods and Evidence on...
Behavioral economics identifies myriad deviations from classical economic assumptions about consumer decision-making, but lacks evidence on how its diverse phenomena fit together and whether they are...
View ArticleThe Economic Origins of Conflict in Africa -- by Eoin McGuirk, Marshall Burke
We study the impact of plausibly exogenous global food price shocks on local violence across the African continent. In food-producing areas, higher food prices reduce conflict over the control of...
View ArticlePledgeability, Industry Liquidity, and Financing Cycles -- by Douglas W....
Why are downturns following prolonged episodes of high valuations of firms so severe and long? Why do firms promise high external payments when they anticipate high valuations, and underperform...
View ArticleEffects of Maternal Work Incentives on Youth Crime -- by Hope Corman, Dhaval...
This study exploits differences in the implementation of welfare reform across states and over time to identify causal effects of maternal work incentives, and by inference employment, on youth arrests...
View ArticleImperfect Markets versus Imperfect Regulation in U.S. Electricity Generation...
This paper measures changes in electricity generation costs caused by the introduction of market mechanisms to determine output decisions in service areas that were previously using...
View ArticleRelated Investing: Corporate Ownership and Capital Mobilization during Early...
Scholars engage in extensive debate about the role of families and corporations in economic growth. Some propose that personal ties provide a mechanism for overcoming such transactions costs as...
View ArticleThe Economic Consequences of Family Policies: Lessons from a Century of...
We draw lessons from existing work and our own analysis on the effects of parental leave and other interventions aimed at aiding families. The outcomes of interest are female employment, gender gaps in...
View ArticleTargeted Remedial Education: Experimental Evidence from Peru -- by Juan...
An outstanding challenge in education is improving learning among low-achieving students. We present results from the first randomized experiment of an inquiry-based remedial science-education program...
View ArticleFDI and Capital Formation in Developing Economies: New Evidence from...
We contribute to the long debated issue of whether inward foreign direct investment (FDI) can stimulate investment in developing countries by introducing a novel measure of FDI, based on industry-level...
View ArticleOpen Borders in the European Union and Beyond: Migration Flows and Labor...
In 2004, the European Union admitted 10 new countries, and wages in these countries were generally well below the levels in the existing member countries. Citizens of these newly-admitted countries...
View ArticleThe Rise of American Ingenuity: Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age --...
We examine the golden age of U.S. innovation by undertaking a major data collection exercise linking historical U.S. patents to state and county-level aggregates and matching inventors to Federal...
View ArticleExit, Tweets and Loyalty -- by Joshua S. Gans, Avi Goldfarb, Mara Lederman
Hirschman's Exit, Voice, and Loyalty highlights the role of "voice" in disciplining firms for low quality. We develop a formal model of voice as a relational contact between firms and consumers and...
View ArticleSubsidizing Fuel Efficient Cars: Evidence from China's Automobile Industry --...
The Chinese automobile market is the largest in the world with annual sales exceeding 20 million vehicles. The tremendous growth in sales---over 200 percent from 2008 to 2015---and concerns over local...
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